Full stack developer, system administration, system builder, open source, web-based, automation, desktop and embedded, ...
Jure Sah
si gb
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Buy a cool computer for home or office

I am a system builder. My approach to supplying computers is based on my 20+ years of experience working with computer equipment: I know what works, what is reliable and what is needed for specific lines of work. I have tried and tested components from multiple manufacturers and use a selection of the best of the best for a particular purpose. Every computer I supply is based on the latest in new technology and will serve you for a long time before it becomes obstolete.

I will work with you and prepare the kind of computer that is best suited for you personally, at the best price.


Price range

Depending on the hardware configuration and software chosen, the prices are 450 € and up, with the typical computer priced at around 650 €.


To order a computer, please email me at: